Friday, January 12, 2007

Snowy Foggy Morning - January 12, 2007

It was a dark, foggy morning. This was taken through the screen on our back porch. The temperature was around 8 degrees (F). The sun tried to come out, but failed. It snowed off and on all day, and the high was only 15. Right now it is close to 0 degrees and is still snowing. This is an unusual winter. Usually we have a few days like this, but most of the time our temperature is in the 50's and the sun is out almost every day. This winter the snowstorms are coming one after another after another. I shouldn't complain. This winter will probably help alleviate the drought problems we've had the last few years. Our power and internet are more stable today. (Knock on wood)

Just wanted to say thanks for all the nice comments. You guys are great!!


james_so said...

Looks cold there.. The snow on the screen adds a nice extra dimension to this shot which would probably have been pretty flat looking due to all the whiteness.

talj said...

Damn it :o( you got snow! All i get here is wind and rain :o( Sure looks cold out!!

TheStick said...

Very cool shot!

Unknown said...

I hate snow and winter. So far there is no winter at all in Poland and I'm quite happy with that :) Looking at this picture alone makes me cold. I have to admit, that despite obviously terrible light conditions and snow on the screen, it is a very good and moody picture. One can see the tine branches, etc. I wish I could something like that during this kind of weather.