Sunday, January 28, 2007

Chaco at Red Canyon - January 28, 2007

Chaco checks out a way up the sides of the canyon.

Today started as a cold and foggy day. The puppies were adamant about going for a W-A-L-K anyway, so we took them up to Red Canyon because it is close and because we figured the road would be open. It was something of an ordeal to get to our usual walking place. Even though it was cold, the road was muddy from previously melting snow, and so was fairly slick. We made it, however, and the pups had a wonderful time frolicking in the snow, climbing up the sides of the canyons and sliding down. Bear usually leads the way and Chaco follows closely behind, but today she struck out on her own a few times. She is 7 months old and still growing. Such fun!!


Elaine said...

How fun (at least for the dogs!). Our dog loves to go on a w-a-l-k; it is his favorite word and if we aren't actually going we spell it so he won't get his hopes up. I wish we had a place we could go and just let him run, but he is happy at the end of his leash.

talj said...

Sure looks like the dogs had a great time!! :o)

Karen said...

These are lovely!

Unknown said...

When I read "puppies" I was surprised, since she is so big. But after reading that she is 7 months old, I understood she is still a puppie, although huge and beautiful :)