Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Walk - February 7, 2007


Big helicopter....

Muddy, muddy Chaco.....

Got the dogs out for a short walk. Bear went exploring and hid behind bushes. He blends in so well with the winter colors, that I sometimes lose track of him. I think he hides on purpose because when I call him, he pops out with a smile on his face, like "ha ha! made you worry!!". Chaco, on the other hand, either stays right with me or follows Bear as if she is somehow attached to him. It is muddy, and as you can see, Chaco thoroughly enjoyed getting as muddy as possible. A bath is certainly high on the priority list for this young lady's future.

We live very near to Ft. Carson, a large military training base, so we frequently see military helicopters or other aircraft out on maneuvers. Today there were three of them in a group, a large double-propeller one and two smaller ones flying fairly close to the ground. The noise they make is amazing. It's like a percussion instrument and produces a sound you can feel as well as hear. When the helicopters came over the hills, the dogs gathered in close. I couldn't quite tell if they intended to protect me, or wanted me to protect them. We stood there in a little group as the helicopters flew overhead and I tried to get a few pictures.

Tomorrow I have to drive to Colorado Springs for a doctor's visit. I was hoping for good weather, but the forecast is for "icy fog" in the morning. I think I'll maybe take my camera along and see if I can get some shots. The road to the Springs goes through a lovely canyon and if there is indeed some icy fog, the trees should be covered with a layer of ice (and hopefully not the roads). Anyway, it is usually very pretty when that happens. We will see....


talj said...

I hope your trip to the doctors is a mush easier ride than you are expecting and you get on ok. Great shots of the helicopters and that sure is one muddy dog! :o)

Elaine said...

Great shots, especially of Chaco. She really blends in with the grasses! Hope you have a safe drive today and get some ice shots. (To answer your question from my photo a week blog--SMS became MSU in 2005. I hope to get some shots of the campus when it gets warmer, as they have some neat buildings.)

Karen said...

Lovely dog, cool helicopters.

Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog I really appreciate it.

I have just gone through all of your shots and wow you do a great job of the indoor sports shots!!! Awesome. The picture of the frozen water trough is the picture of my world at the moment LOL and the last picture of Chaco is wonderful.

I will check back regularly. Thanks again


davidsmeaton said...

love your pooch!! great shot there!!

the 2nd shot is a chinook helicopter. it's got two rotors that spin in opposite directions, which means that it doesn't need the rear vertical rotor, and can therefore focus on lifting very heavy equipment.

i used to live near an airforce base and i saw these things up close every day ... absolutely awesome machines!


puzzled p said...

What a gorgeous shot of Chaco! He is such a pretty dog. The light here was nice, too. I wonder if the helicopter pilots see you when you take their picture. Nice job on these!