Friday, March 02, 2007

Senior Soccer Players - March 1, 2007

Some of you already know that I have been ill and then my husband became critically ill, so I have been unable to keep up with publishing my blog on a daily basis. I have taken pictures and will go back and try to get caught up. I'll go into more details soon; however, if I don't get this image up and running right now, I won't make it.

The paper called and asked me to take some more pics and I am finally able to do so. These are the soccer seniors from a neighboring high school. What a fun group. It was as cold as one could imagine when taking the pictures, although the soccer players from yesterday were even colder.



Elaine said...

Fun shot! Hope everyone gets well soon!

talj said...

Great to see you posting! I really hope that things are getting better for both you and your husband. Thinking of you both {{{HUGS}}} xx

Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

Welcome back, I have been checking in daily and am glad to see you posting again. I am so sorry about your husband's health and yours. Just take it easy, pneumonia is no fun and you need to take it easy until you build yourself up again.

Here's wishing for warmer weather soon. (((((HUGS)))))


puzzled p said...

Its a really fun shot and I'm glad you posted this! I haven't been checking daily, but I check regularly and your link is staying on my blog list. I'm so sorry that neither you nor your husband are well. I hope you both can have some easier times soon.

Vikas said...

Great shot! and Get well soon!!

thelobster said...

very sorry to hear you and your husband are ill - I've been feeling sorry for myself just because I've had a bad cold for a week - I'll be thinking of you and stopping by for updates - I hope you and all your family get well - All, the best