Friday, June 01, 2007

Got Dirt? June 1, 2007

It's been quite a while since I posted, so it will be interesting to see if I remember how. This year has been quite a wild ride. As you know, I was ill early on and then my husband had a serious medical emergency. Since then we have had other challenges.... my youngest son's car was stolen and has not been recovered. I was worried sick about him, as he lives in Phoenix and was riding his bicycle to and from work - 4 miles at night - in a part of Phoenix which is known for gang activity and has endured quite a few murders in the last year or so. They think they have the serial killer who was targeting bicycle riders; however, that is small comfort for a mom who is 1000 miles away. He has another vehicle now, and I am resting easier. My older son graduated from colleges with his Master's degree a few weeks ago, and is now engaged in a full fledged search for employment, and my oldest daughter has had a serious cancer scare. The biopsy was thankfully negative, but we are still looking at some surgery for her.

So, my hair is grayer and my blood pressure is higher, but we are still all together and plugging along.

I thought you might like to see how Chaco has grown. She is still quite puppyish as she is not yet a year old, and she still likes to taste everything - including dirt. She was quite proud of her oh so gritty tongue. We are trying to get our garden going and she is "helping".

1 comment:

inspired said...

Daddy's girl is good by the way ;-\