Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Practice with the Tripod - December 26, 2006

I am home from work most of this week, and as a step in my "improving my photography" project, I decided to practice using the tripod. I was thrilled that I could make decent pictures at fairly long exposures. I even managed an entry into DPChallenge so am on my way to my goal of participating at least twice a week. My exposure on the first one was 1/6 second at f/1.8 and on the second one was 1 second at f8. ISO was 200 on both images. I can't decide which one I like better. I like the bokah on the first one, and the clarity on the 2nd. I also like that I can have these pictures of the ornament. I cast it and painted it ten years or so ago, and I'm always afraid it won't survive until the next Christmas. This entry is being posted a bit late as I am staying up waiting for my youngest son to get back home after a night out with the boys. He doesn't drink or anything like that, but I worry about other people on the road and just worry about him. I think it's a mom thing.


Unknown said...

I think I like the first one a bit better. The details on the horse's neck are a bit more burnt out in the second one.

Suggestion: try experimenting with the exposure compensation dial. The great thing about digital photography is you can take lots and lots of shots and it won't cost anything for developing and processing.

Good luck with the PAW project for 2007.

Elaine said...

One problem I have had using a tripod and longer exposure is a slight blur caused by camera shake from pushing the shutter. Using a remote or time delay will solve the problem.