Saturday, January 07, 2006

01/06/06 - Pin

The first wrestling match after Christmas - Part II of the season. Tim is starting off well. He pinned this opponent and currently ranked 9th in the state. He was hoping for a higher ranking, but it's o.k. The team had its most difficult duals early on. The rest of the season before Regionals consists of fairly easy duals and harder tournaments - good preparation for the State tournament.

I'm nervous about the tournament tomorrow. My oldest son suffered a season (and career) ending injury his senior year at this tournament. My mind tells me that I should not expect the same thing to happen again, but my heart is just screaming. The primal motherbear need to protect constantly fights with the rational knowledge that I need to let him grow up. Usually the rational side wins, but I know that deep inside, I'm much better at giving my children roots than I am at giving them wings.

Thank goodness they have made their own wings.

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