Monday, January 02, 2006

Time of Change

I'm really rusty at this sort of thing. I'm hoping this new year will be one of growth. I know it will be one of change. My youngest child will be graduating from high school and leaving for college out of state, and for the first time in over 25 years, my husband and I will be home alone.

Like this soccer play, life's little surprises sometimes just smack you in the face. We've dealt with health issues this past year, the loss of a beloved family member, and major changes in our jobs. The new year, although destined to be a year of adjustment, also seems to be a year of hope and renewal.

School starts again tomorrow for my son, and with it, wrestling practice and the usual end of semester activities. He is currently ranked in the top 10 in the state for his weight class, and is working hard to increase his ranking. We will see what tomorrow brings.

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